Spiritual Background

Spiritual Background

Though raised an atheist, I’ve always felt mystical leanings, especially in nature. And as a shy child needing refuge from family trauma, I spent a lot of time in daydreams. My love of nature, solitude, and inwardness inclined me toward spiritual exploration.
In my twenties, addictions and mental health problems spurred a more urgent search for psycho-spiritual healing. I turned to counseling, 12-step programs, and silent worship in the Quaker tradition, the religion of my ancestors.
In my early 40’s, during a time of career loss and midlife crisis, I experienced powerful visions that inspired me to work toward reconciling science and spirituality. In the aftermath of the visions, I increased my meditation practice and also converted to Roman Catholicism.
In my early 50’s, I found my way to Raja Yoga and Theravada Buddhism. More recently, I’ve learned from teachers in non-dual and somatic traditions.
I’ve also completed a variety of body-mind-spirit programs, including the following: