Entries are listed below. The platform that hosts this site doesn’t support blog comments. But I’d love to hear from you. Please use the contact page to get in touch.
Between 2009 and 2015, I wrote a blog. My audience was small, perhaps 300 people at its peak. But they formed a supportive community, and they helped me work through issues around spirituality, altered states of consciousness, mental health, and science. That blog fed into the Mindful Biology project that began in 2010, and which took up increasing amounts of my time as years passed.
Now, as 2023 nears, I’m giving thought to what comes next. I will continue developing Mindful Biology, but I may devote less time to it. It’s beginning to feel necessary to work with people more directly, in one-on-one settings. I’m looking into providing somatic psychotherapy. I’m looking into working with others through the use of ketamine and other psychedelic therapies as they gain legality. And I am open to possibilities that haven’t occurred to me yet.
Because blogging helped before, I’m returning to it. My hope is to write with less of an eye toward making some sort of point. Writing the first blog, I was consciously doing my best to come up with big ideas. I hoped to become important in some way, but that never happened. Looking back, I see how that effort fed my self-absorption and—ultimately—increased my feelings of impotence.
Trying to make a splash proved counterproductive, and I’m over it (mostly ;~). With this blog, my primary aim is to openly explore what Life is calling me toward. Big ideas and audience engagement concern me very little.
On the other hand, I’m hoping that my personal exploration will remain organized around the knowledge that all ideas and works are part of our communal creativity. A main point of interest will be how my motives and actions interweave with those of others. My intent is to do my best to simply be myself, whatever that means, while honoring others as themselves.
As near as I can tell, my life to date has been a call to grapple with challenges and accept how they’ve affected me. Though Mindful Biology acts as if its about Life with a capital ‘L’, at depth it has been a lower case effort to make sense of my own, individual life trajectory. After years of making progress in that direction, the question is: where next?
- Posted 6 December 2022. Click here for image source.